Saturday, December 31, 2011

Trashy New Year!

Dear Trashy Friends,

We found a trash bin in the middle of the Gutenberg Square, full with alcohol and fresh foods. Come, help us to enjoy it and celebrate together this baleful new year!

The plenty-bin will be opened at midnight, here:


Background: Recently the local council made it illegal in the 8th district of Budapest to be homeless and skip diving (take anything out trash bins) has also been made illegal!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Internet engineers don’t like PIPA and SOPA (DECEMBER 15, 2011)

We, the undersigned, have played various parts in building a network called the Internet. We wrote and debugged the software; we defined the standards and protocols that talk over that network. Many of us invented parts of it. We’re just a little proud of the social and economic benefits that our project, the Internet, has brought with it.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Nice Article: Using the Web to Rebel Against the Web

Nice article at Artlog (good to keep in mind) about artist who use the internet to rebel against the internet. Also to do with my presntation about crowdsourcing - on of the artist i talked about (Miranda July) actually used crowdsourcing to rebel.

It says : Back in 2002 when July launched Learning to Love You More, she considered the internet “a really cool way to get lots of people involved” and “to ask people to engage with other people.” Keeping the focus on the interaction and not the technology, she designed the website’s assignments so that participants would have to leave the computer in order to complete them. July called her strategy “using the web to rebel against the web,” and strains of that rebellion echo throughout the show, a tone that might resonate even more in 2011 than 2002, as the internet in equal measure facilitates protests and compromises privacy.

To read the whole article click at link below:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

synchrony/asynchrony: made me think of this sketch

Introducing the book (repost)

I really like this video. Through all the focus on new media, we almost forget how revolutionary bookprinting and a real book were. Although I like new technologies, a book is in my opinion, still far much better than a e-book, and also as information-archive-carrier still very reliable.

Monday, November 28, 2011

hm, I try to put something on the blog, but it's not working... let's see about this text...

New Banksy?


Thursday, November 17, 2011

& Voice Lessons?

Voice Lessons from Unearthed Music on Vimeo.

How about this?

ONE PIG is the story of one anonymous farm animal's life, from birth to plate. Here Matthew Herbert tells the extraordinary story of how he made this record, and talks through each of the tracks.

Actually you see TWO pigs, the other one is called Herbert.

Village Pet Store NY 2008 Banksy


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

3D video synthesizer

Rutt-Etra-Izer is a WebGL emulation of the classic Rutt-Etra video synthesizer. This demo replicates the Z-displacement, scanned-line look of the original, but does not attempt to replicate it’s full feature set.
The demo allows you to drag and drop your own images, manipulate them and save the output. Images are generated by scanning the pixels of the input image from top to bottom, with scan-line separated by the ‘Line Separation’ amount. For each line generated, the z-position of the vertices is dependent on the brightness of the pixels. On the site you can download a free demo and have fun.

Robbo vs. Banksy

Untitled from SAN on Vimeo.

The Antics Roadshow - Banksy


Bundled, Buried & Behind Closed Doors

Bundled, Buried & Behind Closed Doors from Ben Mendelsohn on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

All-new ASIMO (Nov 2011)

class assignment

would this be a good place to post my assignment?
anyways here it goes:
It is one post and one comment from my personal blog:

you can also check the rest of the blog:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

check 1, 2, 3 . . .

Hi guys!

I've never had a blog, so i need to find out stuff . . . i'm sending this message in order to check this out!



Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Cheap Grab For Exposure: The Occupy The Internet Exhibition

Why is Occupy The Internet now an “exhibition of leading net artists“? Launched two weeks ago at, the original project was a simple call: embed a script that runs an army of animated gif protesters on your website to show your support for the Occupation movement. The post asked for animated GIF submissions that would then be “called up for duty”, and has since been installed on over 875 websites.

Now, all those submissions are being replaced with GIFs by artists curator Evan Roth deems worthy of special consideration: Aram Bartholl, Brad Downey, Constant Dullaart, Olia Lialina, Dragan Espenschied, Mark Jenkins, La Quadrature Du Net, Jonah Peretti & Chelsea Peretti, Ryder Ripps, Rafael Rozendaal, Telecomix, Charlie Todd, and UBERMORGEN.

This is beyond insulting. Perhaps some enterprising curator can go down to Wall Street and redo all the protest signs there too? Sure, the show’s only temporary — from November 1st to November 4th — but those who placed Occupy Internet on their sites didn’t ask for a self-proclaimed elite crew of gifs on their site. GIF makers also didn’t submit work only to have it removed for a few days when a few misguided artists decided to make a grab for exposure. The exhibition drips of opportunism and self-aggrandization.

I think this sucks and I’m not the only one. As a response, AFC Editor-In-Chief Will Brand has prepared a script for those who find this show repugnant: Occupy Nothing. Drag this to your tool bar, and it will hide Occupy Internet scripts on a page. I recommend it to anyone who finds this show as offensive as we do.

Edit: The designers of Occupy Internet apparently do not take kindly to users controlling what they see; they’ve changed their script to protect it from ours. We’ve updated our script, and will continue to do so; if you added it before about 2:30 today, you’ll need to add it again, but anytime after that you should be good forever. I’m sure there’ll be some kind of stupid cat-and-mouse arms race here.

On a broader note, this is equivalent to someone telling you you cannot close a pop-up; that their rights as site administrators are greater or more important than your rights as users. That’s bullshit. We’ll do our best to make sure you can avoid this. [Will Brand]


Thanks for the link/ thread Eugen!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

occupy the internet

go to this URL or just paste this code snippet: <script src=""></script> on your HTML page!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

xtranormal an online movie making tool

Choose from hundreds of actors
Type or record your dialogue
Select your background


Monday, October 24, 2011

One Country, Two Revolutions

Very interesting article about how the advance of cloud and social networking technologies is reshaping the order of entrepreneurship in the USA (and hopefully in the rest of the world):


Of special interest for me was the kickstarter website and the story of TikTok:


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Research Into Inserting Artificial Objects into Photographs

Rendering Synthetic Objects into Legacy Photographs from Kevin Karsch on Vimeo.

We always get a laugh when news organizations or governments try to pass off bad Photoshop jobs as real images, but with the way graphics technology is advancing, bad Photoshop jobs may soon become a thing of the past. Here’s a fascinating demo into technology that can quickly and realistically insert fake 3D objects into photographs — lighting, shading and all. Aside from a few annotations provided by the user (e.g. where the light sources are), the software doesn’t need to know anything about the images. Mind-blowing stuff…

Wednesday, October 12, 2011



A Message To Wall Street from Anonymous

Art assembly line

Alexander Gorlizky is apparently a young and successful painter who is located in New York. 
The only thing is that he actually does not paint himself and instead has his paintings be painted by Indian craftsmen in India.

Is this design or painting?

c'est bon

1st post

Dear Fellow students, please make this blog rich!!
And I can change the layout later...