Saturday, December 31, 2011

Trashy New Year!

Dear Trashy Friends,

We found a trash bin in the middle of the Gutenberg Square, full with alcohol and fresh foods. Come, help us to enjoy it and celebrate together this baleful new year!

The plenty-bin will be opened at midnight, here:


Background: Recently the local council made it illegal in the 8th district of Budapest to be homeless and skip diving (take anything out trash bins) has also been made illegal!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Internet engineers don’t like PIPA and SOPA (DECEMBER 15, 2011)

We, the undersigned, have played various parts in building a network called the Internet. We wrote and debugged the software; we defined the standards and protocols that talk over that network. Many of us invented parts of it. We’re just a little proud of the social and economic benefits that our project, the Internet, has brought with it.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Nice Article: Using the Web to Rebel Against the Web

Nice article at Artlog (good to keep in mind) about artist who use the internet to rebel against the internet. Also to do with my presntation about crowdsourcing - on of the artist i talked about (Miranda July) actually used crowdsourcing to rebel.

It says : Back in 2002 when July launched Learning to Love You More, she considered the internet “a really cool way to get lots of people involved” and “to ask people to engage with other people.” Keeping the focus on the interaction and not the technology, she designed the website’s assignments so that participants would have to leave the computer in order to complete them. July called her strategy “using the web to rebel against the web,” and strains of that rebellion echo throughout the show, a tone that might resonate even more in 2011 than 2002, as the internet in equal measure facilitates protests and compromises privacy.

To read the whole article click at link below:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

synchrony/asynchrony: made me think of this sketch

Introducing the book (repost)

I really like this video. Through all the focus on new media, we almost forget how revolutionary bookprinting and a real book were. Although I like new technologies, a book is in my opinion, still far much better than a e-book, and also as information-archive-carrier still very reliable.