Friday, October 28, 2011

occupy the internet

go to this URL or just paste this code snippet: <script src=""></script> on your HTML page!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

xtranormal an online movie making tool

Choose from hundreds of actors
Type or record your dialogue
Select your background


Monday, October 24, 2011

One Country, Two Revolutions

Very interesting article about how the advance of cloud and social networking technologies is reshaping the order of entrepreneurship in the USA (and hopefully in the rest of the world):


Of special interest for me was the kickstarter website and the story of TikTok:


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Research Into Inserting Artificial Objects into Photographs

Rendering Synthetic Objects into Legacy Photographs from Kevin Karsch on Vimeo.

We always get a laugh when news organizations or governments try to pass off bad Photoshop jobs as real images, but with the way graphics technology is advancing, bad Photoshop jobs may soon become a thing of the past. Here’s a fascinating demo into technology that can quickly and realistically insert fake 3D objects into photographs — lighting, shading and all. Aside from a few annotations provided by the user (e.g. where the light sources are), the software doesn’t need to know anything about the images. Mind-blowing stuff…

Wednesday, October 12, 2011



A Message To Wall Street from Anonymous

Art assembly line

Alexander Gorlizky is apparently a young and successful painter who is located in New York. 
The only thing is that he actually does not paint himself and instead has his paintings be painted by Indian craftsmen in India.

Is this design or painting?

c'est bon

1st post

Dear Fellow students, please make this blog rich!!
And I can change the layout later...